Japan-U.S. Global Leadership Program
in the Age of Artificial Intelligence



In the age of AI, the world continues to change at an unprecedentedly rapid pace, both at the global level and at the local and community levels. New issues must be addressed along with existing ones. The world needs new and courageous innovators who come up with creative solutions and ideas to improve the world around us.

Students participating in this program will develop creative problem-solving skills and gain valuable experience working smoothly and efficiently with others, despite cultural, disciplinary, and language barriers.

Interdisciplinary approaches are becoming increasingly important, too.

This program will help students to learn about cutting-edge research related to a variety of topics and they will gain first-hand opportunities to combine knowledge from your own field of expertise to come up with creative solutions to various global issues that are currently being discussed around the world.

“An internationally educated person” who will create a new society where humans and AI coexist harmoniously and positively, in other words, human resources capable of:

  • Understanding the ethical, legal and social challenges of AI concerning the rule of law, democracy, due process, and human rights,
  • Grasping and responding to the rapid technological change through continuous learning, and
  • Demonstrating leadership and working effectively with people from different backgrounds to identify and solve problems

The core competencies fostered throughout the program are as follows:

  1. information, data, and AI literacy;
  2. entrepreneurial one such as risk-taking abilities, out-of-the-box thinking and creativity, problem-solving abilities, taking initiative, persistence, persuasion and social skills, business management skills, critical thinking skills, networking skills, and effective communication skills
  3. intercultural agility (the ability to work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds in different cultural contexts and environments); and
  4. data-driven problem-solving skills.