Japan-U.S. Global Leadership Program in the Age of Artificial IntelligenceAI時代の未来を拓く日米グローバル人材育成プログラム

The VIE (Virtual International Education) Program implemented in the 2023 academic year.

  • The VIE trial with the University of Texas at Austin

Date and time:February 20, 2024 (Tuesday), 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location:Higashihiroshima Campus, 3rd Floor Conference Room, East Library

Attendees:7 participants from the University of Texas, 2 observers, and 8 participants from Hiroshima University

Theme:Advantages and Disadvantages of AI in the Healthcare Sector

Completers:Granting of certificates of completion and open badges

In the first VIE, students made thorough preparations in advance and actively participated in discussions, utilizing oral communication skills. However, the language barrier proved to be significant, and the use of Zoom translation and the HiGPT educational support system highlighted areas that still need improvement in this trial.